The personal finance coaching program that helps you manage money in a whole new way!    
Walk through each Pillar of Money Mastery, Essential System, and Skill Set to take control of your money with excitement, and fund what you love most!    
 Don't live in uncertainty or overwhelm anymore! Ruth will personally coach you through each step.   
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Program Features
The Abundant Budgets Group

Live coaching!  2 group sessions every month with Ruth! Plus the the ABG Facebook Group! Plus email access to Ruth! Get all YOUR questions answered. Work on YOUR stuff. REAL accountability, support, connection, and inspiration!  

The ABC Course Collection

Learn at your convenience with this large bank of topics and step-by-step homework assignment. Work through the topics in recommended order, or choose your own adventure! Get personal feedback from Ruth. Review the content again and again to master the concepts.    

Ruth's Toolbox

Ruth's Toolbox is HUGE: 40 years of knowledge in templates, guides, short-cut links, discounts, pro network, etc., to save you time, short-cut through the overwhelm, and get stuff done!    

"You can spend $1,000 learning from Ruth or thousands of dollars being ignorant. Was it worth it? Yes!!!"

"I wanted to get on the same page with my wife. I also wanted to be better organized and more disciplined in the way we spend our money. I am trying to retire in less than 4 years, and we feel well on our way to accomplishing that!

Ruth's strength is how she explains through Christian and personal life stories and a fun sense of humor. If I could tell those like me one thing, it would be, 'You could spend a $1,000.00 learning from Ruth or thousands of dollars being ignorant.' Was it worth it? Yes!!!"

Joseph Durrant, California
What's Included
- 1 ABG Membership
  • 2 x Group Coaching sessions with Ruth each month
  • A seat in all Special Expert Workshops
- 1 Login subscription to The ABC Collection
  • FOURTEEN (14) courses PACKED with game-changing content!
    • Access to all future courses!
    - Monthly email support- UNLIMITED  
    - Access to The Abundant Budgets Facebook Group
    - Access to Ruth's Toolbox (for personal use)
    - 2 months free to YNAB, an award winning budget app  
    - $100 off a private coaching session
    Total Value    
    A Simple Subscription
    •  No large, upfront payment
    • No contracts
    • No obligation to a "payment plan"
    • No bull 
    • Just success!
    Hurry, these introductory rates WON'T last!
    Be grandfathered in for as long as you stay! 

    Flying Solo
    Get ONE of everything!
    only $149!
    per month
    *Cancel anytime!
    Add a "Wingman"*
    Get TWO of everything!
    + $99!
    per month
    *Cancel any time!
    Private coaching sessions are $200 per session.
    This program is a stupid good deal!
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    Have Questions?
     "It's worth every penny!" 

    "Our biggest lightbulb moment was getting on the same page about spending money. That was huge for our relationship and has healed something that was a real struggle for both of us!

    Do it!!! It will be worth it all the way. Ruth can help you get the help you need and the help you don't know you need! If we hadn't had her help, we would still be in the same struggle bus for years to come! She got us out of a sticky situation and into the future! It's worth every penny!"

     Amanda Lewis, Idaho 
    What You'll Learn:
    Healthy Relationship With Money 
    Revolutionize how and why you interact with and manage your money. 
    Money Decisions 
    Create a system for making good money decisions in any situation. 
    Banking and Bill Pay 
    Ensure your money is physically where and when it needs to be without your constant involvement. 
    Budget and Track Money 
    Spend your money where YOU value without sabotaging what you value over the long run.
    Irregular Expenses 
    Be prepared for all those pesky, irregular expenses that previously made budgeting feel impossible. 
    Debt and Credit 
    Improve your credit score.
    Break up with debt and your other money leaks.
    Food and Groceries 
    Keep food and groceries from sabotaging your budget. 
    Preserve Your Money 
    Manage life's risks wisely so you can live your adventures fully. 
    Make and Grow Money 
    Up level your ability to make more money. Invest in the best places for your situation and goals. 
    Work with a Partner 
    Operate successfully as the unique couple you are. 
    Will Power 
    Learn scientifically proven ways to boost your productivity with less energy!
    Kids and Money 
    Teach your kids to make and manage money with success. Start generational change!
    And so much more!
    "Ruth teaches sustainable practices that lead to change."
    "Ruth has changed my life! If you are having financial difficulties, coaching is 100% the way to go. Yes, I know you could save the money and pay something off, but does that change your habits? Has that helped you make any progress thus far?

    Ruth teaches sustainable practices that lead to change. Do yourself and your relationships a solid and get in touch with Ruth. She will not let you down.

    Don't spend another moment stressed about finances. You can make a change.
    Jon Molofsky, Idaho
    Abundant Budgets is an amazing program!
    How to Know If You Are Ready

    Course and homework can be done at your own pace, but most members set aside 2-3 hours per week to focus on finances.

    Everything is broken down into doable tasks, plus you'll have Ruth's expertise and endless resources. The savings in time, energy and money created in perpetuity is definitely worth the investment. 

    You need to have sufficient income to pay all your regular bills and minimum payments--even if only on paper. Paying for the  program should not put you in financial hardship.

    Life happens, and Ruth can help you with ANY question in The Group coaching sessions, but if your primary concern is financial crisis or dealing with creditors, contact Ruth for great referrals.
    The desire to engage as much as possible is important for success. This is not a program for those who have a passive interest, who know all the answers, or who are not ready to confront the chaos and do the work.

    The high level of quality personal attention is a special difference compared with other online financial courses. 

     Financial conflict in marriage may be a big motivator to join this program, but it's important that communication and trust between spouses are still functional.

    The presence of compulsive gambling, higher levels of financial infidelity, or high conflict in multiple areas of marriage is better served with marriage therapy and private coaching.


     Coaching can certainly refuel a fire when it's low, and Abundant Budgets is loaded with inspiration and easy wins. However, you must come with dedication to improve your finances, willingness to try new things, and commitment to do the homework. Motivation and follow-through can be encouraged, but not purchased. 

    While you absolutely do NOT need to be Christian or even religious, appreciation for Christian beliefs and parables are essential; Ruth uses her Christian perspective A LOT in this program. If this isn't something you'd be comfortable with, private coaching will be a much better fit.
    You do not need to be a tech whiz (Ruth is NOT one), but ownership and basic comfort with a laptop and a smart phone is important for this course. A desktop is preferred for group sessions to make screen share easier.
    "I have improved every aspect of my life."

    "My lightbulb moments have been:
    1. The day I actually had fun working the budget!
    2. Seeing the debts paid off and truly knowing I could achieve my goals.
    3. Understanding the why's behind my money habits and overcoming them.

    Having a financial coach is definitely worth it. Ruth delves in to more than just the numbers and a budget. I have improved in every aspect of my life. Ruth has helped me understand ME, and how to customize the tools and information in a way that best serves me and my circumstances. She helps me keep my eyes on the prize. I believe that I can truly become a master of my money.

    Ruth helps single, working mothers learn how to set boundaries with their money and feel empowered.

     Susan Jellum, Utah 
    A Little About Coach Ruth
    • She loves money stuff but not math or complicated things. Reading 401k and insurance stuff is really boring.... 
    • She tries not to use 4-letter words around her kids ....and adults....but sometimes there are just no other words.....
      • She is a big fan of parables and stories for teaching. They are WAY more powerful and fun than a lecture.
        • She knows how hard asking for help can feel! But, when you ask the right people, it's liberating and life changing!
          • She doesn't believe in a one-size-fits-all solution. She loves to give people a solid place to start and help them cherry pick what works for them and what doesn't.
          • She really doesn't like commitment; its too concrete. But she also loves commitment, because it's so concrete.
          • She believes you are your best financial adviser if you have good information.
            • She has a VIP membership in the lazy club AND the tenacious club.
              • She believes VERY strongly God wants everyone to create and live in an abundance. We just have to learn the best way for us to do that.
              "She's helped me surpass my goals."

              "Ruth has been such a huge motivator in my financial life as well as other life goals. She is great at supporting others and giving some very much needed feedback. She has helped me feel more confident going forward with my financial goals. She's helped me surpass my goals and is wonderful at following up on those goals. She truly cares about her clients and I would gladly recommend her to my family and friends." 

              Mackenzie C. Utah 
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